
WIP - Dummy content

Rationale of Each Theme


Purpose: The Rationale of Each Theme section provides an explanation for the different themes available in the design system. It explores the reasons behind the inclusion of specific themes, such as dark mode and high-contrast, and discusses their benefits for users. Additionally, it covers the impact of themes on color/style schemes, token usage, and their implementation in both design files and code.

Dark Mode


Purpose: The Dark Mode topic explains the benefits of using a dark color scheme in the design system. It highlights how dark mode can help reduce eye strain and enhance visual comfort, particularly in low-light environments. It also discusses considerations and guidelines for implementing dark mode in design files and code.




Purpose: The High-Contrast topic explores the advantages of incorporating a high-contrast theme in the design system. It discusses how high-contrast can improve legibility and focus for users, especially those with visual impairments or specific accessibility needs. It provides insights into color/style schemes and considerations when designing with high-contrast, as well as implementing it in design files and code.


Color/Style Schemes


Purpose: The Color/Style Schemes topic delves into how different themes impact the color and style schemes within the design system. It discusses the variations and adaptations of colors, typography, and other visual elements across themes, ensuring consistency and coherence. It provides guidance on managing color/style schemes effectively within design files and code.


Token Usage


Purpose: The Token Usage topic explores the influence of themes on token usage within the design system. It explains how themes can affect color tokens, typography tokens, spacing tokens, and other design tokens. It provides guidelines and best practices for utilizing tokens effectively and maintaining them across different themes in design files and code.

Design Files Implementation


Purpose: The Design Files Implementation topic explains how to incorporate themes in design files. It covers techniques for applying theme-specific styles, managing color variations, and utilizing design system components effectively. It provides step-by-step instructions and recommendations for working with themes in design files.

Code Implementation


Purpose: The Code Implementation topic guides developers on how to implement themes in code. It covers the integration of theme-related styles, handling dynamic theming, and leveraging design tokens for consistent theming across the application. It provides code examples, patterns, and considerations for implementing themes in different programming languages or frameworks.
