Data Visualization

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Data Visualization

General Guidelines for Data Visualization


Purpose: The General Guidelines for Data Visualization section provides guidance on when and how to effectively use data visualization within the design system. It covers best practices, considerations, and scenarios where data visualization can enhance understanding and communication of data.


Graph Types


Purpose: The Graph Types section outlines the different types of graphs and charts available within the design system. It provides an overview of each graph type, such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more. This section may include information on their usage, strengths, and limitations.


Usage and Best Practices


Purpose: The Usage and Best Practices section delves into specific guidelines on when and where to use each graph type within the design system. It explains the purpose of each graph, what it communicates effectively, and provides do's and don'ts for using them appropriately.


Graph Anatomy


Purpose: The Graph Anatomy section explores the different components and elements that make up a graph within the design system. It may cover axis labels, legends, data points, and other essential elements to consider when designing and implementing data visualizations.


Color Palettes/Tokens


Purpose: The Color Palettes/Tokens section focuses on the color palettes or color tokens used for data visualizations within the design system. It may explain the importance of choosing appropriate colors, provide guidance on creating accessible color combinations, and offer examples or guidelines for using color effectively in graphs.

