Design Language

WIP - Dummy content


Voice and Tone


Purpose: The Voice and Tone section defines the preferred style and tone of communication within the design system. It guides content creators in maintaining a consistent and appropriate voice that aligns with the brand and target audience.

Inclusive Language


Purpose: The Inclusive Language section emphasizes the importance of using inclusive language in all content within the design system. It provides guidelines and examples to ensure that the language used is respectful, inclusive, and avoids any biases or exclusions.

Alternative Text


Purpose: The Alternative Text section focuses on providing guidelines for writing alternative text for images and icons used within the design system. It explains the importance of descriptive alternative text to ensure accessibility and provides best practices for writing effective alternative text.

Error Messages


Purpose: The Error Messages section guides content creators on writing clear, concise, and user-friendly error messages within the design system. It provides best practices, tone considerations, and examples for effectively communicating error situations to users.



Purpose: The Grammar section addresses grammar guidelines within the design system. It provides guidance on proper grammar usage, common grammar mistakes to avoid, and recommendations for maintaining consistency and clarity in written content.



Purpose: The Contractions section provides guidelines on the usage of contractions in written content within the design system. It explains when to use contractions for a more casual and conversational tone and when to avoid them for a more formal or professional tone.

Passive/Active Voice


Purpose: The Passive/Active Voice section explains the differences between passive and active voice in writing. It provides guidance on when to use each voice within the design system and how to maintain clarity and directness in communication.



Purpose: The Capitalization section outlines capitalization guidelines within the design system. It provides recommendations for consistent capitalization practices, including when to capitalize and when to use lowercase, to ensure clarity and consistency in written content.

Help Content

Purpose: The Help Content section focuses on writing effective help messages, such as tooltips, within the design system. It provides guidance on crafting concise and informative help content that assists users in understanding functionality and interactions within the system.